Ok. So I have made a terrible mis-calculation when drawing up my schedule. The Heat and its effects.
It is burning here in the afternoon. Just before 1pm you get a blast of heat that just sends the alarm bells ring in my head and drains me of energy.
So, I have had to go back to the schedule and draw it up so that I am finished for the day around 2pm. Starting at 6am-ish that isn´t a lot of time considering the terrain at times. I am setting my sights on Burgos on the 8th day now, not the 7th.
Today was good. Got lost right at the start. But it was only for 30 mins this time. Then we hit the road through Pamplona which went past pretty quickly, and on into the countryside. WHW like once again. I was over taking people like nobodies business. Even over took two cyclists coming off a big hill down towards Utrega. They didn´t catch me up until two towns later.
The countryside is stunning and very Spanish :-> Medieval looking towns sit on hill tops. Unfortunately, these are the ones that the route wants us to go through.
There is a festival under way in Puente La Reina tonight. A lovely town and it looks like everyone will have fun, but my sights were set on Cirauqui (my 36km for the day). After Puente, the heat hit. Boy, did it hit. And I had a 450ft climb to do. IT WAS DAMN HARD.
I stopped in Maneru to have food but it was really just to get out of the heat and get some fluids in. 45 mins later, feel slightly better I set off for the final 25 mins to Cirauqui. In a lovely Alberque tonight. Been lucky with those so far.
So, 62 miles in. 3 days down. Missing everyone like you wouldn´t believe. Hips sore, shoulders sore. Feet taking some damage. Beginning to suffer like a real pilgrim.
My reward will be in Heaven.
Oh, by the way. Donations. Get them in. The boys are doing it. My God, are we doing it. If you can, give Mercy Ships some dosh (That was my Bob Geldof bit. Impressive eh.)
Will hopefully blog from Los Arcos tomorrow. Oh, look at that. More hills in the way. Marvelous!
Johnnydx was asking about what motivates us. For me it is that Pauline will be in Santiago on the 17th. I will be there too. Enough said. Although The Proclaimers are helping as the Peregrinos were serenaded with it again today after I over took those cyclists. Wimps!
BTW, BBC weather puts the temp today at 30 degrees (86 F). Oh God, it could get hotter.
Later Dudes.
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