Wednesday, 25 July 2007

The start

Hi everyone,
Met some really nice people last night in St. Jean, people from Denmark, Holland (there are millions of people from Holland), Germany and France. The linga franca was English. Lovely food for those that like vegetarian fare, especially if you like spinach. I hate the stuff, with a vengence. The main course was followed by a Sangria type dessert and mint tea. How awful could a meal get (for me).

Set off in the mist at 7.30 after a hearty breakfast of Sugar Puffs, bread and jam and coffee. Fairly sets you up for 26km walk over a 4500ft mountain.

It wasn`t all that bad but it was a long haul. If you have walked up Ben Lomond and are reasonably fit you will be able to do this, pretty weary at the end though. In truth, even the flat bits were inclined. We are told that this is as bad as it gets so that will be a bonus. As to the bag, I am carrying a tad more than I should but it was OK for the first 8kms. Then after a bit the extra weight began to tell but you can´t dump it off in the middle of the road. So onwards and for most of the day it was 21km upwards with the final 4km downwards.

The views are stunning and for those who love horses there are hundreds of horses roaming free over the hills (big hills mind you). I have photos of the walk but can´t put them on the blog because we are at a machine that has been protected against uploads.

Staying in the refugio in Roncevalles, huge place, 114 beds all in the one hall. I feel really sorry for all these peole because I do Olympic snoring. There is one shower and it is cold. This walk can be character building.

Tomorrow it is Pamplona for Mark, it is as near as I can get to Pamplona for me. Off for a well earned beer.


Anonymous said...

hope you have found a fiesta to enjoy before snoring the monastery to sleep... don't forget to concentrate on the views and the essence of the pilgrimage and less on the how heavy the bag. alternately on the weight front, make friends with someone who has someone driving parts of the way, and get them to carry a bag forward for you? ;)

To Santiago and beyond said...

That would hardly be in keep with the spirit of the pilgrimmage Kate.


Unknown said...

Good to see that you are both well. Don't envy you the heat though!! Getting a bit worried about Mark getting lost - maybe try satnav? Anyway you are both doing a tremendous job.