Right. Been in a internet hinterland where the best that is available has been at dial up modem speed.
Firstly, a big hello to all those in Sweden. Apparently, Marita has passed around this URL so people are dropping in.
I am typing from Melide. 52km from Santiago. Yep, only 52 to go.
To bring you all up to date. I made the bus to Villafranca del Bierzo (some days ago?). What a place and what a difference from the other parts of Spain we have been in. More like the Alps. Wonderful.
Marita has to be Santiago on the same day so when she heard what I was doing she decided to also do the same thing. So, in the end up, I had a whole afternoon to myself before the Viking Vixen showed up. It was good to catch up with as (we had seen each other for two or three days). After a good night in the town we set off at 6:30am for O Cerberia (or something like that. Boring at first it turned into a fantastic scenic walk which included the climb up the mountain to O Cerberia in the full heat of the day. But we both loved it. The big point on the Alberque (note to Arthur and Greg) is that money seems to have been spent on freezing the water for the showers, rather than heat them up.
Next day, it was off the Triacasela (that didn´t have one castle - someone explain). A short walk for us now, 21km, and we took our time over it.
Next morning, couldn´t get Madam out of bed so set off at 7:30am for somewhere. Marita has now insisted that we leave everything to destiny i.e. when we start, how far we go, if we get a bed etc. In the end up it did work well although we didn´t get beds in the first two place and had to walk a further 5km and had to spend a little extra money by booking into a hostel rahter than an alberque. By this time it seemed absolute luxury not to have to share your bed room with 40 - 100 other people.
In Galcia, the rolling hills look for all the world like Ireland or Scotland. Then the patron puts on some outdoor music as you sit looking at it and it is Van Morrison! Weird.
We put in some kms yesterday to move us on as we have an idea to take a bus down to Finesterre if we can. The coast is meant to be something to see.
Today, 31kms. More than I should have actually (got a lot of pain from the hips over the last 6 kms) but the Scandanavian Siren has bought herself another new pair of shoes, so there was no stopping her.
Two days from now we should be in Santiago. Can´t imagine how that is going to feel.
Thanks to everyone for the comments regarding my failure. They are greatly appreciated. What I can say is that while I was running I didn´t want to be here. Since I have stopped I been on a whole new journey. One of soul searching, thinking and walking. I have talked to so many incredible people from so many different countries, all with different tales to tell. I am now a peregrino, fully fledged.
Love to all back home from Marita and me.
Later Dudes
Mark's day God Knows. Good title! I'm sorry you couldn't do/finish the route as you set out to, but I'm really pleased that you sound to be no longer a marathon runner but a pilgrim. Even while I admired the plan, I worried you'd miss some of the essence of the camino. Best laid plans, eh? I doubt it's a 'failure', more like a 'success' looking back... Hope you're in good shape to admire sitting in the coolth of the cathedral with your scallop shell when you get there :)
Och hoppas att du har hunnit lära dig lite svenska från Marita på vägen dit...
Enjoying your blog (both yours and Arthur's contributions) and really glad that you've got time to enjoy the journey now. Perhaps running it was never a good idea unless unless you're a running god and even then it seems all wrong to do a journey like that on your own.
You'll be pleased to hear the the WHW race entry for 08 is now open!
Take care.
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