This is almost certainly my last post. The last one was going to be the end but now it is this one.
What can I say? Met Pauline at the airport and just about managed not to humiliate the two of us in the arrivals lounge. It was great to have her come out and be with me at the end.
We met up with Arthur for lunch, but I will let him tell that story.
During lunch Arthur talked almost constantly. He talked of stories, people and locations. He talked of feelings and emotions. He talked of decisions made and promises to himself that he now had to live up to. Pauline and myself just basked in the joyous radiance coming off this man. It was great to see him like this, particularly after the events of only two or three days before. Pauline loved this, as did I.
However, what she is not enjoying, and now that I am home I think everyone else is the same, is that I am not talking. This evening I had dinner with my Mother and she eventually had to ask 'Well...what about the Camino?' My response was one sentence involving around 15 words. That was it!
I don't know why I have left my brain on the Camino but that is where it seems to be.
Friday night, Pauline and I had dinner, and eventually went on for a couple of pints, with Marita and another Peregrino called Simon. I held up my side of the conversation with stories, experiences and questions. No problems there. Put me in a similar situation with non-peregrinos and I don't want to talk about it. What is going on? And I am asking. If anyone out there could give me an answer to this I would appreciate it greatly.
I can see it in Pauline's face. She doesn't know what has come back from Spain. Or is wondering if I forgot to pack a bit of me.
Maybe, I'm just tired. I have had one good nights sleep in the last two weeks and to put this right here I am writing this blog at 23:30. Clever guy me.
One other thing that came out of the lunch with Arthur is that I now have another person who understands what I did in West Highland Way Race 2006. For those that don't understand the reference watch:
Since this, I have been told by many people that I was stupid or just an idiot or, as Marita thinks, that I have a martyr complex.
Arthur now understands why I went on because he wanted to do the same. He understands what it is to want to complete something so much that the pain has to be pretty bad to make you stop. The funny thing is so does Marita. Even as she is telling me off for being so stupid, she is walking on with a buggered foot and three toes that have no feeling in them.
I haven't read a newspaper in over three weeks. I have absolutely no idea what has been happening in the world. For large periods I didn't even know what day it was. And now I am back to the everyday stuff that can act as fog, or smog, on our brains.
The last three weeks have been an interesting experience. I think the next three are going to be the same.
Hamilton out.
Well done both of you. It's been very interesting following your journey. You have both shown tremendous courage in the face of adversity and I'm sure you are now better human beings for the experience. So what's the next challenge Mark? Doing the WHW with Arthur on your back? Bound to satisfy Arthurs thirst for beautiful scenery and human endevour and quench your thirst for martyrdom! Tee hee hee......seriously though, have a nice rest and enjoy a few beers. You've both deserve it!
Thank you Mark & Arthur for your great friendship during the Camino. My Camino would not be the same without you. I'm back in Sweden again but I'm different... have learnt so much from you and other "peregrinos". It was a great time! Will go back again... will walk more...
And Greg, hope you are fine and hope you liked the Camino also!
Lots of hugs to all of you
"Feel your heart, reach the sky"
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