Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Mark´s Day 8

Well, firstly thanks to everyone that has sent good wishes to me and Arthur. It is great to receive these and to hear from everyone.

Physical matters first. My foot is recovering well. It is sore in the early morning and then whenever we stop, but generally I am almost back to walking normally. My right hip continues to grumble, as does my left knee. So, I should go back to running.

Here is the other thing. Since my enforced walk and have actually started to enjoy and see the benefit of this journey. I now have time to take in the landscape, to consider things other than how much water I am going through, how far to the next drinks machine or what my current pace is.

Instead, I think I might have actually started to dip my toe in the waters of what the Camino is for all the other people.

Before as I ran along, if there was a thought, other than the ones above, they would be negative, or involve negative emotions. Now, less stressed, less tired, less fast postive thoughts come my way, or thoughts that I can have a postive outlook on.

I have just had a long discussion with Marrita, a swedish lady, who spoke of the importance of the inner journey rather than the physical one. Now, I have a problem as a matter of course with people talking this way BUT, let´s be honest, I spent a fortune on this trip. I can no longer do what I intended to do, so I am as well at least trying to attain some benefit from it.So I should try it.

I have made some decisions already. I am sure other things will crop up and I will have deal with those at the time. One thing I have decided, that I am prepared to share with you is that, in the rest of this trip, I am going to try and get a grip on patience. Pauline and my family will tell you, this is not something that I have had up until now. I have had an enforced ´slowness´ put upon me. I am going to try and use that lack of haste to think things through and to allow others to do the same.

Will it work? Who knows.

What I can tell you is that Arthur and me walked through some lovely countryside today. Down some wonderfully tranquil and peaceful wooded trails. A pleasently strong wind keeping the worst of the days heat from our necks. And I still itched at times to take off. Margarita has made me promise to take off my watch tomorrow.

I can say that today I was happier than yesterday. Which was happier than the day before. Which was happier than the day before, which was an absolute pisser of a day.

Stay tuned for the next installment of Hamilton in Hippyland.

Later Dudes.


Anonymous said...

try it :) i haven't worn a watch for about four years. once you get over the panic of seeing nothing on your wrist, it's remarkably liberating! and you have no need of it for a few days. am really sorry you can't do your marathons, but i hope that you'll be able to look back and find you had the most amazing experience that you might have run past if you were still up to running. so long as someone arthur's age doesn't come zooming past you every day to remind you, i'm sure that by the end of the weekend it'll feel like you meant to walk it all along!

To Santiago and beyond said...

Thanks Kate.

Not sure if you are right, by thanks for the thought.
